Entry Submitted by One of the Lightworkers at 4:55 PM EDT on July 2, 2019
To: Theresa and All World Patriots
This message has been light encoded for the safety of all.
Theresa raises a very valid concern when your humanitarian project(s) or plans include purchasing/leasing/renting already existing items such as land, buildings, equipment, etc. This article will address, as succinctly possible, some hidden issues to heighten awareness and thoughts on how to handle same.
"Would I be Doing Wrong with my Monies?" by Theresa - 7.2.19
Got humanitarian plans? Need office space for your headquarters? Need a building and/or land, furniture, equipment, supplies, vehicles, employees? Plans for purchasing/leasing/renting a home new to you? Plans to build a brand new residence, building, etc.? Need construction workers or construction equipment? Plans for vacation? Plans for employee benefits?
Anything that you need to implement your humanitarian project(s) and personal plan(s) may utilize things which already exist, available for purchase, or to be repurposed or remodeled, or some which will be newly created. Some are tangible, e.g., a building, employees, some intangible, e.g. software.
Theresa has a very valid concern. She already knows that the land and buildings were not used with positive, wholesome intentions, thoughts, words, deeds. Each of us absolutely needs to be aware of this regarding our projects/plans! Did you expect a posted sign, "Cabal Here", "Evil Here", or "Evil Used This"???
How does one figure out if the land/buildings/etc. have such negativity, especially if not publicly known??? I will refer to these collectively as THE ITEM. If THE ITEM is held in a trust, it may be difficult to ascertain who the owner/user is/was. Maybe you hire a sleuth to figure this out. But, time may be essential, need to know now, if proceeding forward with your plans, to wait for this intel, or not.
So, how well have you developed your ability to sense negative energies??? Been developing your discernment skills? Pictures are worth a thousand words, and may tell a part of their story. You need to decipher more, be divinely guided in your humanitarian efforts.
How long has THE ITEM been idle, vacant, abandoned, unused, available for sale??? What factor(s) make it less desirable??? Examples:
(1) Costs to develop are prohibitive, water, electricity, etc. (No problem for humanitarian projects.)
(2) "It's haunted".
(3) "Squatters there."
(4) "War zone."
(5) "Site impacted by flooding, hurricane, tornado, black mold, fire, toxic chemicals, rumors, gossip, or, ..."
On the other hand, Almighty Source works in strange ways, knows what we need before we know it! Perhaps THE ITEM has been on hold, waiting for YOU, your project, your plan to transmute the energies to Divine purpose. Honestly, what the Almighty has for you can far exceed your dreams!
First, determine that THE ITEM, is what you are divinely guided to. Then, when you are sure, proceed. Repeat at each step in the process of getting THE ITEM. Before, during, after you get THE ITEM, discern your next step.
Example: What do people tend to do before moving into a residence new to them? Clean it! Wash, vacuum, sweep, repair, remodel, repaint, etc. Clean all prior energies from the place, as best can, to make it move in ready. Yes, this may mean hiring people to do the job for you! Then, move into this residence, acclimate, modify as determined necessary, carry on. Hold the residence and all who live, visit, work there in Divine Love and Light.
So, did you visit THE ITEM, spend quality time getting to know it? This is essential for you to be comfortable with THE ITEM. Go spend some time and BE with the place, land, building, vehicle, etc. Surround yourself with Divine white light. Feel the energies. Talk with THE ITEM, let it know what YOU intend to do with it. Discern the next step. Go for a follow up visit. Bring trusted people to visit also. Be sure. Pray on it, about it. Be sure.
When you are sure about THE ITEM, ASK Almighty God to:
• transmute all prior energies for THE ITEM to Divine Light and Love energies, across all time, space, densities, realities, multiverses and omniverses, from this now moment going forward, and from this now moment going back to when THE ITEM was created,
• for Divine Love, Light, Peace to cover, permeate, and saturate THE ITEM and all who are in contact with it, always,
• to bless you and THE ITEM as you work together on your humanitarian projects, now and forevermore!
• Thank you Almighty God!!!
Be it so! It is so! It is so! It is so!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Now, some folks may feel more at ease if a special energy clearing ceremony/ritual is done regarding THE ITEM, especially if it is large: whether acres of land, a sprawling ranch/farm with various buildings and water access, a multi-story office building, mansion estate, airplane, ocean liner, spaceship, a new humanitarian business, etc. With your intention, whatever THE ITEM is, whatever it's past, whatever it's dimensions and characteristics, the energies can be cleared to provide a Divine Love and Light, fresh, positive beginning, purpose, future!!! Discern your next step!!!
Of course, you can create your own ceremony/ritual.
Caution: please be truly aware, knowledgeable in what, why, the words you think/say, and how you go about it to do the clearing for harmonious results.
For those who are concerned, desiring to have the most positive start possible to your humanitarian projects, you may consider/discern the need to request/arrange for one or mutiple experienced energy healers/Lightworkers (shamans, etc.) to work as a team, directly, remotely, or combination thereof, to clear THE ITEM, and harmonize the energies with the local environment. Also consider/discern requesting an energy worker who lives near THE ITEM. Would I, consider doing this? Yes, because of reasons cited above. AND, there are energy workers who specialize in this, especially for instances where THE ITEM is physically huge. Yes, there may be a fee, there may be a request for a donation. Be generous!
During this eclipse season, between today, July 2, 2019 with new moon and solar eclipse. and the full moon with eclipse on July 16 2019, would be a fine time to set these intentions in motion!!!
Now, with all the humanitarian projects in mind globally, and anticipating all that new positive Divine Light energy flooding the globe, saving children, I urgently request you continue prayers, fasting, etc., as Ninevites!
Sending googols of Divine Love and Light, prayers, butterflies and pearls of wisdom to All!!!
MLK quote
Life is an Opportunity
If you wish to contact the author of any reader submitted guest post, you can give us an email at UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com and we'll forward your request to the author.
All articles, videos, and images posted on Dinar Chronicles were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes.
Dinar Chronicles is not a registered investment adviser, broker dealer, banker or currency dealer and as such, no information on the website should be construed as investment advice. We do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications posted on this site. Information posted on this site may or may not be fictitious. We do not intend to and are not providing financial, legal, tax, political or any other advice to readers of this website.
Copyright © 2019 Dinar Chronicles
To: Theresa and All World Patriots
This message has been light encoded for the safety of all.
Theresa raises a very valid concern when your humanitarian project(s) or plans include purchasing/leasing/renting already existing items such as land, buildings, equipment, etc. This article will address, as succinctly possible, some hidden issues to heighten awareness and thoughts on how to handle same.
"Would I be Doing Wrong with my Monies?" by Theresa - 7.2.19
Got humanitarian plans? Need office space for your headquarters? Need a building and/or land, furniture, equipment, supplies, vehicles, employees? Plans for purchasing/leasing/renting a home new to you? Plans to build a brand new residence, building, etc.? Need construction workers or construction equipment? Plans for vacation? Plans for employee benefits?
Anything that you need to implement your humanitarian project(s) and personal plan(s) may utilize things which already exist, available for purchase, or to be repurposed or remodeled, or some which will be newly created. Some are tangible, e.g., a building, employees, some intangible, e.g. software.
Theresa has a very valid concern. She already knows that the land and buildings were not used with positive, wholesome intentions, thoughts, words, deeds. Each of us absolutely needs to be aware of this regarding our projects/plans! Did you expect a posted sign, "Cabal Here", "Evil Here", or "Evil Used This"???
How does one figure out if the land/buildings/etc. have such negativity, especially if not publicly known??? I will refer to these collectively as THE ITEM. If THE ITEM is held in a trust, it may be difficult to ascertain who the owner/user is/was. Maybe you hire a sleuth to figure this out. But, time may be essential, need to know now, if proceeding forward with your plans, to wait for this intel, or not.
So, how well have you developed your ability to sense negative energies??? Been developing your discernment skills? Pictures are worth a thousand words, and may tell a part of their story. You need to decipher more, be divinely guided in your humanitarian efforts.
How long has THE ITEM been idle, vacant, abandoned, unused, available for sale??? What factor(s) make it less desirable??? Examples:
(1) Costs to develop are prohibitive, water, electricity, etc. (No problem for humanitarian projects.)
(2) "It's haunted".
(3) "Squatters there."
(4) "War zone."
(5) "Site impacted by flooding, hurricane, tornado, black mold, fire, toxic chemicals, rumors, gossip, or, ..."
On the other hand, Almighty Source works in strange ways, knows what we need before we know it! Perhaps THE ITEM has been on hold, waiting for YOU, your project, your plan to transmute the energies to Divine purpose. Honestly, what the Almighty has for you can far exceed your dreams!
First, determine that THE ITEM, is what you are divinely guided to. Then, when you are sure, proceed. Repeat at each step in the process of getting THE ITEM. Before, during, after you get THE ITEM, discern your next step.
Example: What do people tend to do before moving into a residence new to them? Clean it! Wash, vacuum, sweep, repair, remodel, repaint, etc. Clean all prior energies from the place, as best can, to make it move in ready. Yes, this may mean hiring people to do the job for you! Then, move into this residence, acclimate, modify as determined necessary, carry on. Hold the residence and all who live, visit, work there in Divine Love and Light.
So, did you visit THE ITEM, spend quality time getting to know it? This is essential for you to be comfortable with THE ITEM. Go spend some time and BE with the place, land, building, vehicle, etc. Surround yourself with Divine white light. Feel the energies. Talk with THE ITEM, let it know what YOU intend to do with it. Discern the next step. Go for a follow up visit. Bring trusted people to visit also. Be sure. Pray on it, about it. Be sure.
When you are sure about THE ITEM, ASK Almighty God to:
• transmute all prior energies for THE ITEM to Divine Light and Love energies, across all time, space, densities, realities, multiverses and omniverses, from this now moment going forward, and from this now moment going back to when THE ITEM was created,
• for Divine Love, Light, Peace to cover, permeate, and saturate THE ITEM and all who are in contact with it, always,
• to bless you and THE ITEM as you work together on your humanitarian projects, now and forevermore!
• Thank you Almighty God!!!
Be it so! It is so! It is so! It is so!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Now, some folks may feel more at ease if a special energy clearing ceremony/ritual is done regarding THE ITEM, especially if it is large: whether acres of land, a sprawling ranch/farm with various buildings and water access, a multi-story office building, mansion estate, airplane, ocean liner, spaceship, a new humanitarian business, etc. With your intention, whatever THE ITEM is, whatever it's past, whatever it's dimensions and characteristics, the energies can be cleared to provide a Divine Love and Light, fresh, positive beginning, purpose, future!!! Discern your next step!!!
Of course, you can create your own ceremony/ritual.
Caution: please be truly aware, knowledgeable in what, why, the words you think/say, and how you go about it to do the clearing for harmonious results.
For those who are concerned, desiring to have the most positive start possible to your humanitarian projects, you may consider/discern the need to request/arrange for one or mutiple experienced energy healers/Lightworkers (shamans, etc.) to work as a team, directly, remotely, or combination thereof, to clear THE ITEM, and harmonize the energies with the local environment. Also consider/discern requesting an energy worker who lives near THE ITEM. Would I, consider doing this? Yes, because of reasons cited above. AND, there are energy workers who specialize in this, especially for instances where THE ITEM is physically huge. Yes, there may be a fee, there may be a request for a donation. Be generous!
During this eclipse season, between today, July 2, 2019 with new moon and solar eclipse. and the full moon with eclipse on July 16 2019, would be a fine time to set these intentions in motion!!!
Now, with all the humanitarian projects in mind globally, and anticipating all that new positive Divine Light energy flooding the globe, saving children, I urgently request you continue prayers, fasting, etc., as Ninevites!
Sending googols of Divine Love and Light, prayers, butterflies and pearls of wisdom to All!!!
MLK quote
Life is an Opportunity
If you wish to contact the author of any reader submitted guest post, you can give us an email at UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com and we'll forward your request to the author.
All articles, videos, and images posted on Dinar Chronicles were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes.
Dinar Chronicles is not a registered investment adviser, broker dealer, banker or currency dealer and as such, no information on the website should be construed as investment advice. We do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications posted on this site. Information posted on this site may or may not be fictitious. We do not intend to and are not providing financial, legal, tax, political or any other advice to readers of this website.
Copyright © 2019 Dinar Chronicles