X22 Report: Fed Pushes Fear, Panic Over Brexit

Published on Aug 12, 2019

We are now getting closer to the BREXIT date, the EU, [CB] are nervous and afraid, they no longer have their people in control which means they do not have control over what happens next. The EU already started the fear push, letting the world know that the UK will be in trouble if they leave the EU with a no-deal BREXIT. Trump ready to have free trade once the EU is pushed aside.

Published on Aug 12, 2019

Overstock CEO says everything you know about HRC and Russia is a lie, the truth is coming. Trump stops the [DS] at the source, this will benefit the people in the long run. JE story is full anomalies, none of it makes sense. The [DS] believes they are off the hook, they have been trapped and tricked, the truth is about to be revealed, welcome to the awakening. The raid on JE island has begun, as the authorities explore more and more information will be coming out.

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