Willie's Truth Call "Let Freedom Ring" Tonight 9 PM EST 11-10-20

CHIN UP!! We didn't have a loss. We will have a GAIN OF THE AWAKENING soon once the reality sets in later this week when more will be revealed!!!!

We are IN the "eye of the storm" and can't wait for the AFTERMATH!!!!

The FINAL COUNTDOWN will reveal what we've been waiting for so long. Hold tight and fasten your seat belts because it's a rocky road for awhile but the calm will come that will bring our PEACE, FREEDOM and SOVEREIGNTY!!


"We are creating HEAVEN ON EARTH...hold your LIGHT!!!"

The darkness is diminishing. All praise to our CREATOR!!!

A New Era is approaching where only Peace, Prosperity, Abundance, Unconditional Love, Joy and Happiness for ALL Humanity will exist!!!

"A SPECIAL INVITATION is being brought to you TONIGHT and EVERY EVENING until fruition of this historical event to learn the TRUTH of what has happened and what is happening in real time that is not classified. What we have been waiting for to drop is finally on the edge of awakening the world!!!

As we mentioned many times there are critical matters that FIRST need to be taken care of before the EVENT. We are close...CLOSER then we have ever been but our SAFETY and other issues come first. Be patient...it will come! All things worthwhile are worth waiting for HIS PERFECT TIME!!!

At this time we ask you to focus your prayers and meditation on our President and ALL Alliances and Forces on all levels battling this evil for us. IT IS CRITICAL brothers and sisters.

If you would like to check us out for the first time we welcome you to listen and know that you are now part of our TRUTH family. The archived link below will take you to ALL the calls. As you are listening to the calls have a notebook nearby to jot down your questions and then when the evening comes you will be prepared to ask your questions.

NO ONE WILL KNOW THE EXACT DAY OR HOUR except Our Creator and a few trusted high sources and they will NOT reveal this to anyone prior to a release. It will be on HIS time which is the perfect time for us! THIS IS CLASSIFIED PLAN and you are given the bread crumbs so to speak.


(If for any reason particular websites are down or you can't get an update and the public announcement has been made via emergency broadcast, brother Willie will be with us the following Monday on Willies Truth Call regular schedule to update us all.)


Willie's Truth Call
Monday thru Friday 9 PM EST/8 PM Central

Dial in Conference Call #: 605-313-5152 access code 814068#
Replay #: 605-313-5153 access code 814068#
》》NEW BACKUP # 209-399-9068 follow the prompt
Website: http://www.williestruthcall.com
Archive call link: http://www.williestruthcall.com/daily-call-archive/

Come gather with us Monday -Friday 9 PM EST/8 PM Central

*******Where TRUTH and LOVE Prevails*******

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